
Making data entry into spreadsheet tabular structure:

Now that we have created structure in spreadsheet for entering sample bill data,

we will add the values into corresponding rows and columns:

  • Add serial numbers into first column named as "Sr. No."
  • As we have 10 items in the given sample bill, we need to add serial numbers from 1 to 10.
  • So go to cell "A2" and enter "1" into that cell and press "Enter" button.
  • Important: "Enter" button is used to take control from current cell to next cell, in the same column, Vertically.
  • Then control automatically goes to next cell "A3", which gets highlighted by displaying its boundaries as bold.
  • Enter "2" in that cell "A3" and press "Enter" button.
  • Likewise we will add numbers till "10" upto cell "A11".

Likewise, we will add values for next three columns, Particulars, Quantity and Rate(Rs.).

[Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 14:57:40]
