We can use inbuilt "SUM" function for summation.
Use cell range in "SUM(FirstCell:LastCell)" with the help of mouse selction:
  • Select cell J2, then enter the inbuilt function "SUM", by typing  "=SUM("  
  • Then select the range of cells using mouse's pointer and left button, to drag and select those cells
  • We can see the selected cell range gets reflected as =SUM(FirstCell:LastCell), Notice here "COLON" (:). For example: SUM(B2:I2)
  • After cell range selection, press "Enter Key", and summation gets calulated.

Auto-completion for filling-up remaining overs total runs:

  • Now use auto-completion feature to calculate remaining overs total
  • Selecting cell "J2" and then drag tiny suare, till cell "J21"
  • Total gets calculated by replicating same formula from cell "J2", by replacing corresponding row number.

[Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 15:03:38]
