i2C > page > Making data entry into table > Table in a spreadsheet means, combination of rows and columns. Entering "over numbers" into "overs" column: Select the cell number "A2", enter number "1", which represents first over. After pressing "enter" button, again select the cell "A2", look for the tiny square, at the right bottom corner of the selected cell. Take your mouse pointer over that tiny square, and drag it, till row number "21". Since we need to insert data for 20 overs and first row is used for naming the columns, we need to use 21 rows. Make "over numbers" bold by selecting "Overs" column and press “Ctrl + B” key combination. [Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 15:02:07] × Tags calc help spreadsheet data entry 2-2 More Views Show no. of views Programs
Table in a spreadsheet means, combination of rows and columns.
Make "over numbers" bold by selecting "Overs" column and press “Ctrl + B” key combination.