Calculating Percentage:
  • As we want to calculate the percentage, we have to divide the grand total of marks obtained by grand total of maximum marks then multiply it by 100.
  • Firstly we will go to cell "K6" where we want our grand total to be displayed
  • Now write the formula as "= (J7 / J6 ) *100. And press "Enter" button.
  • We should get the perentage as "70.6666667".

 Formatting cell for decimal points
  • After calculating percentage,  we will see numbers with more than 2 decimal points, which is default setting
  • We can change this to show numbers with max 2 decimal points
  • For this selecting the percentage  cell showing "70.6666667".
  • Then right click mouse and select Format Cells option
  • A pop-up will get opened with Number as selected category
  • Then go to Decimal Places in Options and replace 0 by 2 either by using upper arrow
  • Press "OK" to apply the change
  • Now you will see numbers with only two decimal points in Percentage cell.

[Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 14:59:53]
