i2C - తెలుగు > File > Data in spreadsheet > Data is information stored in spreadsheet in an organised manner of tabular format as columns and rows. Data is stored in cells of spreadsheet. Some of the data types are "Number", "Text" etc. Text data includes letters, words and special symbols like "(, ), !, *, &, $", used for labeling columns, names of entities. Text data is by default horizontally left aligned Numbers are like integer, float, decimal, date-times. Number data is by default horizontally right aligned. Entering/Editing data in cell: For entering or editing data in cell we have to firstly select the corresponding cell. Then double click mouse's "Left button". A cursor gets displayed, now we can enter/edit data in cell. [Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 16:38:19] × Tags calc spreadsheet data in calc 2-1-11 More Views Show no. of views Programs
Entering/Editing data in cell: