Draw a circle of radius 100 px by putting the values for width and height as 100 as shown in below video
Duplicate the circle by selecting the circle and pressing "Ctrl + D" keys on the keyboard
Now change the radius of the circle to 200 px by changing the values for width and height as 200 as shown in below video
Now arrange the bigger circle that the edge of the smaller circle is touched with edge of smaller circle. You ca do this using arrow keys on key board.
Duplicate the bigger circle and arrange them on four sides, top, bottom, right and left of smaller circle
Now select all the big circle by pressing "Shift" key on key board and make duplicates (use "Ctrl+D")
Now click on any big circle, you will see a change in arrows on selection. This will allow you to rotate the duplicated circles. So rotate the circles.
Drawing Circles
Arranging the Circles
[Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 17:39:54]
Drawing & Arranging Circles
Drawing Circles
Arranging the Circles