
For teachers

Observing the environment and understanding various living and non-living things present there is a very important tool to introduce not only ecology but also the other branches of science and social science to the students. This introductory lesson aims to generate a very important skill amongst the students, observation and asking questions based on what they observed. Many of the items they observe in their surroundings may be familiar to them; hence under the guidance of the teacher, they will be able to find a connection between them.

Teachers are also requested to introduce the important roles played by human beings in deciding the fate of an ecosystem. Similarly, the attention of the students should also be directed towards the indicators of pollutions we make (improperly disposed of wastes, plastic present in the soil etc.).

It should be noted that biology education never becomes complete until the student learns to explore the environments and understand various forms of life present there. Hence, finding some time for field study is essential.

In case if you are unable to take children for an exploration you could show them the video of the lake given below and the activity could be completed. However please note that direct experience cannot be replaced with videos, especially in science education.
