
Teacher note


Constructing models and observing it is an excellent tool to convey complex ideas to the students. In this activity, children are learning to build an ecosystems using the material available to them and applying the knowledge they gathered about the ecosystem.


Additionally, this activity is aiming to introduce another important concept in biology, biological processes are time dependent and studying a biological system may require continuous observation for many days.


The syringe given to measure water sample can carry only very little amount (5 ml only). This is to ensure that each member of the team should get the chance to use a syringe and acquire proficiency to measure the exact amount of water and chemical solutions while testing oxygen in the next activity.


The comparison is a very important tool for teaching and learning of science since this process helps the students to understand the diversity and similarities. The ecosystem made by Team B will act as a model to observe and understand the formation and maintenance of an aquatic ecosystem. Lack of availability of light, one of the most important abiotic factor, blocks the growth of algae in the ecosystem made by Team B though all other abiotic factors are present in the water. Meanwhile, the ecosystem made by Team C will have very fewer amounts of nutrients present in it; which reduces the growth of algae and hence the appearance of other biotic components. Comparison of the changes happening in these three ecosystems is useful in introducing the role of abiotic factors ‘light’ and ‘nutrients’ in the establishment of the diversity of life in an ecosystem.


The availability of the three variations of the aquatic ecosystem they developed in their classroom and the comparison of the difference and the similarity in the observation they got could help them to understand how variation in one abiotic factor could change the course of development of an ecosystem and the biotic factors living in it. Discussion can be generated around these points. Furthermore, Students should guide to link the role of manure in enhancing the growth of plants in the crop field while comparing the observations obtained by Teams A, B and C.
