
Make the table given below in your notebook and record your observations daily

Days Observation
Day 1 Water is clear, no organism found….
Day 2  
Day 3  
Day 4  
Day 5  
Day 6  
Day 7  
Day 8  
Day 9  
Day 10  
Day 11  
Day 12  
Day 13  
Day 14  
Day 15  

 Watch out for the following changes in your ecosystem and record it in your notebook.

Please find out-

Date on which the water of your ecosystem became pale green in color  - due to the growth of algae.
When did you notice the presence of the zooplanktons in your ecosystem - they may be visible as tiny white or brown dots moving in the water of your ecosystem.
Date on which the insect larvae, such as mosquito larva, was seen in your ecosystem.
Time is taken by your ecosystem to become greenish in color - this means that the number of algae has increased.
Any other changes or organisms you noticed in your ecosystem.


Every third day you should compare your observations with other groups.
Did all the teams get the same observation?
