
From where organisms get energy and nutrients: Producers

It is a well-known fact that every organism (microbes, plants the and animals) requires energy and nutrients to survive.  Sun is main source energy for biotic factors living in any ecosystem.

Plants and algae use sunlight as a source of energy with the help of chlorophyll present in their body through the process of photosynthesis. They use abiotic factors such as carbon dioxide, water and minerals absorbed from the environment for building their body parts. During photosynthesis, they absorb the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere (produced by other organisms during respiration) and release another essential abiotic factor oxygen in return.

Since plants and algae utilize abiotic factors directly for getting energy and nutrients they are known as Autotrophs (auto = self, troph = nourishment; meaning self-nourishment). So green plants and algae are the biotic factors, which produce the energy and food themselves. They are also called producers.

Below are the videos of different types of producers, observe carefully




Does the manufacturer always appear in green color? Why?

