
Teacher note

Human beings are one of the most important biotic factors in every ecosystem and control the other biotic and abiotic factors. Unfortunately while teaching ecology the role of human beings and the support and service we get from different ecosystems are discussed very rarely. However, it is very important to teach children that we are only one component of the huge web of life and we are dependent on various abiotic and biotic factors derived from various ecosystems for our survival. Recent research reveals that children growing without understanding the connection between human and other organisms and non-living things present in their environment are often the victims of nature deficit disorder and fails to understand the need for judicious use and conservation of natural resources. 
The activity 1 titled ‘’biotic resources and the food are aiming to reach the information how many types of organisms are required to get our meals. Additionally, teachers could conduct a classroom discussion on the biotic and abiotic resources, which we are utilizing from morning to evening. For instance students could start with toothpaste or neem stem which they use for brushing the teeth, water used for washing mouth and face, towel for wiping the face, items required for making tea/ coffee etc. and could end up with the material used for making the bed on which they sleep in the night. The teacher could request the students to find the source of each material and process through which it is made. Such an attempt will help the students to understand the vast diversity of resources we are utilizing 
every day and the need for protecting various kinds of ecosystems which provide it.   
