clix - Lesson 5: Fire in the Farm!
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CLIx English


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In the last lesson you learnt how to talk about something that may happen. You heard Kanasu, Sahir and Zo guessing who might have stolen the medal.

What if you knew who had stolen the medal? How would you express how you arrived at a decision?

Let's discuss a few things:
You can ask each other -
1) Who makes most of the decisions in your house?
2) Who decides what will be cooked?
3) Do you decide what time to wake up?
4) Who decides if you should go to school?
5) How do you decide who to be friends with?

You may share with your teacher and others in class.


Once you have finished your discussion, let’s listen to a story where Kanasu, Sahir and Zo have to make some quick decisions.

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