clix - Lesson 10: Review Time
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Words  Pronunciation  Usage Meaning in Context Hindi Meanings Telugu Meanings
achievement          She also has a conversation with her mother who is proud of her achievement. success उपलब्धि సాధన
adjectives You can also use adjectives from the lesson to describe them. words used to describe something विशेषण విశేషణలు
apologise We say 'sorry'. Or we apologise. we say we are sorry क्षमा मांगना క్షమాపణ
athletic He is very active and athletic. strong and fit बलिष्ठ ఆటగాడు
borrow ...can I borrow a ruler from you? take and use from someone else for some time उधार लेना అప్పు తీసుకొను
botany He loves botany and perhaps horticulture. scientific study of plants वनस्पति-विज्ञान వృక్షశాస్త్రము
bumpkin Mithun, the village bumpkin, played a joke on Kallu. a stupid person बुध्दु బుద్ధిలేని వాడు
chat Students stand and chat noisily... talk lightly बातें/गपशप करना కబుర్లాడటం
chatter (The school with the sound of chatter of students, a short bell rings) light talk- not serious चहचहाना అరుపులు
cleanliness A cleanliness campaign has been organized in your school. keeping things clean सफाई పరిశుభ్రత
comforting Listen to one more example of a friend consoling or comforting another. making someone feel less sad or worried सुख-सुविधा देना సముదాయించడం
condolences Please offer my condolences to your family. sympathy शोक प्रकट करना సంతాపం
considerate The staff thanks him for being considerate. kind and helpful मददगार ఆలోచించగల
consoling Listen to one more example of a friend consoling or comforting another. making someone who is sad feel better दिलासा देना ఓదార్చడం
convince We'll convince him. make him believe he should do it विश्वास दिलाना ఒప్పించడం
coping How are you coping? managing सामना करना  భరించడం
corridor I think I walked past him in the corridor. passage गलियारा వసారా
darn And darn the holes in them. stitch up      रफू करना కుట్టడం
deposit ...can you go to the bank and deposit this money? put in जमा करना జమచేయుట
despair (in despair) a total loss of hope निराशा నిరాశ
desperately Mitesh is desperately trying to find the money for his mother's operation. trying very hard शिद्दत के साथ నిర్విరామంగా
distribution The prize distribution has started. giving prizes to many people वितरण పంపిణీ
echo (mic echo a repeated sound that slowly fades away गूंज/प्रतिध्वनि ప్రతిధ్వని
electrification The government has announced 2000 new electricity connections and meters for our town under the Rural Electrification Scheme. using electricity to operate something विद्युतीकरण విద్యుదీకరణ
enthusiast ...she is a Science enthusiast. very interested in Science शौकीन/उत्साही ఔత్సాహికుడు
excellent That sounds like an excellent idea, Sahir. very good अति उत्तम శ్రేష్టము
experiment Today we are going to do an interesting experiment. test/trial परीक्षण/प्रयोग करना ప్రయోగం
fade The voices fade away. get softer मंद पड़ना వెలసిపోవడం
fetch Can I help you fetch the water tomorrow? bring जाकर लाना తీసుకురావడం
format have been given a format to make a poster. a pattern or plan  प्रारूप  ఆకారం
gentle ...someone may look well-built and stern, but maybe quite gentle. kind  विनम्र/सौम्या గౌరవం
hay It's the hay! The hay is on fire! dried grass सूखी घास ఎండు గడ్డి
horticulture He loves botany and perhaps horticulture. the study of growing garden plants बागवानी ఉద్యాన
inherited John's father has died and he has inherited all his father's possessions... received from his father after he died वंशगत/विरासत से పొందుకొవడం
instruments The lab has one computer on the table, two almirahs of books and a few basic science instruments. tools उपकरण సాధనాలు
interact You know that we live and interact with different kinds of people everyday. meet and talk परस्पर संपर्क रखना ప్రతిస్పందించడం
inwards Start from here and work inwards. towards the inside आंतरिक रूप से లోపలి వైపుకు
junction ...they meet Zo at the junction who is also walking to school. crossroads जंकशन కూడలి
kind of He's kind of tall and thin... somewhat प्रकार/ किस्म ఒక రకమైన
murmur (Students murmur, a short bell then silence) talk in a low soft voice बड़बड़ाना గుసగుసలు
occasions Special occasions like winning, the birth of a child, getting a new job,... special events or functions अवसर సందర్భాలు
passion ...your passion for physics has been rewarded. strong feeling लगन/अनुराग/ चाव వాంఛ
patient He was so patient with all our questions. ready to wait धैर्यवान సహనం
perhaps He loves botany and perhaps horticulture. maybe शायद బహుశ
possessions John's father has died and he has inherited all his father's possessions... things that his father owned अधिकार/स्वामित्व ఆస్తులు
queue ...let me get into the queue. line कतार में వరుస
relents His boss relents and grants him leave. changes his mind and becomes less strict नरम पड़ना జాలిపడటం
reservoir Kanasu, Zo and Sahir have been given the responsibility by Mr. Fela to plan a class outing to a reservoir. a large place where water is stored जलाशय/भंडार రిజర్వాయిర్
sowing You could observe all the stages in growing a crop, right from sowing the seed to harvesting the crops. planting seeds बीजारोपण విత్తడం
spade There should be a spade or something we could use at the goat pen to scoop up the mud. a sharp digging tool कुदाल/फावड़ा పార
stationery I have to buy a few things from the stationery shop! things needed for writing लेखन-सामग्री స్టేషనరీ
stern ...someone may look well-built and stern, but maybe quite gentle. strict सख्त/कठोर దృఢమైన
stranger Or maybe it is just a total stranger... an unknown person अजनबी అపరిచితుడు
studious She is also very studious and helpful. someone who studies a lot अध्ययनशील బాగా చదివే
talkative She is also very talkative. talks a lot बातूनी వదరుబోతు
tinker Zo loves to tinker with machines. make small changes टांका लगाना మాట్లు
unique You just completed a unique activity. the only one of its type एकमात्र/लाजवाब ప్రత్యేకమైన
upset When your friends are upset you console them... unhappy परेशान होना కలత
wiry He is strong, of medium height and has a wiry frame. thin but strong तार-जैसा తీగలతో
yelling I'm sorry for yelling at you. shouting angrily चिल्लाना అరవడం


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