

Making a Magic Pinwheel

Task 1

Given here are instructions to make a magic pinwheel, which can give you many shapes at the centre. Make a unit of the pin-wheel by following these instructions. Once you have 8 such units, tuck one unit into another to get the pinwheel.

Make the folds as neat as possible, and do the tucking in very carefully in order to get proper shapes inside the pin-wheel.

Task 2

Explore the pin-wheel! Try to get as many shapes as possible by sliding the different units closer to or farther away from each other. In your notebook, draw the shapes that you are getting at the centre of the pin-wheel.

(Click here to draw)
How many shapes did you get? Does the group sitting next to you have an equal number of shapes? If there are any that you didn’t get, try getting them. Write names of these shapes.

(click here to write)


Extension Task 1

In the 4th step, you get this shape. Do you know the name of this shape?


What are the measures of the interior angles of this shape? Justify your answer.
(Click here to write)

Extension Task 2

While making the 8 modules of the pin-wheel, What are the shapes that you have come across? Note down these shapes.
If you are not sure about the name of the shape you can draw and find its name.

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