  • Whenever we create new spreadsheet, we should save it at some location by naming the file.
  • So newly opened spreadsheet can be saved using key combination as "Ctrl + S"
  • Also can be done using "Save" option from "File" menu, present on left top corner.
  • 2 steps for saving file


Naming File:

  • Name of the file should reflect, what the file is about in short.
  • Avoid using special characters like @,!,$,#,%,^,&,*,(,),
  • We can use "-" or "_" in file name

Selecting Location for Saving File:

  • Select the location where you file should get saved in computer.
  • Location can be changed by giving suitable folder's path from browsing window.
[Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 14:55:56]
