  • To calculate innings total runs after each over, we have to add current over's runs into, innings total runs till it's previous over.
  • For this, go to cell K2 in column “Innings Total Runs”
  • Add “=SUM(” then "$" then "J" and then ":" and "$" then "2" and bracket ")" complete, as innings total runs after 1st over
  • Then go to cell K3

Using "$" for cell range with fixed starting cell:
  • Here from cell K3 till K21, we need to do the addition of cell range, starting from J2 till the cell of J column, intersecting in corresponding row.
  • Example:
    • Cell value of K3 = J2 + J3
    • Cell Value of K4 = J2 + J3 + J4
    • ....
    • Cell Value of Kn = J2 + J3 + J4 + ....... + Jn
  • From this we conclude that, for each total, cell range is starting from cell J2.
  • For keeping fix part in cell range we prefix $ to that fix part.
  • Add formula in cell K3 as "SUM=", the in bracket "(" write as $, then append "J", then "$" and append "2", after this put colon ":" and "J3" and press enter. (Notice $ sign)
  • Now you can use auto-completion to reflect innings total for remaining cells of column or apply once again same formula modified according to row number, to see how, go to next step.

  • Add formula in cell K4 as "SUM=", the in bracket "(" write as $, then append "J", then "$" and append "2", after this put colon ":" and "J4" and press enter. (Notice $ sign)

  • Now use auto-completion to reflect innings total for remaining cells of column.

Making Innings final total as Bold:

  • For making innings total runs bold go to last cell of column "Innings Total Runs" i.e. K21
  • ​Press "Ctrl + B" key combination.

[Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 15:01:31]
