
Saving an Inkscape File

  • The drawing that we make in the inscape application needs to be saved as a file.
  • Saving the file will help you in save the work you have done.
  • Also this file can be shared with your friends to show them your work.
  • Saving of file is done by two ways
    1. Saving a New file
    2. Save the work or modifications made after reopening a old file

Saving a New File

Below video will show how to save a new file in Inkscape


Saving Modification in Old File

  • While we are working on the file and making changes in the drawing, it is important to save the file after every few minutes.
  • To save the changes we have to press Ctrl+S keys on the keyboard

Below video will show how to open modify and save work in Inkscape

[Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 15:17:18]
