i2C > page > Tabulating Mark-sheet: 2-Calculating Percentage > Calculating Percentage: As we want to calculate the percentage, we have to divide the grand total of marks obtained by grand total of maximum marks then multiply it by 100. Firstly we will go to cell "K6" where we want our grand total to be displayed Now write the formula as "= (J7 / J6 ) *100. And press "Enter" button. We should get the perentage as "70.6666667". Formatting cell for decimal points After calculating percentage, we will see numbers with more than 2 decimal points, which is default setting We can change this to show numbers with max 2 decimal points For this selecting the percentage cell showing "70.6666667". Then right click mouse and select Format Cells option A pop-up will get opened with Number as selected category Then go to Decimal Places in Options and replace 0 by 2 either by using upper arrow Press "OK" to apply the change Now you will see numbers with only two decimal points in Percentage cell. [Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 14:59:53] × Tags No tags defined yet! Views Show no. of views Programs
Formatting cell for decimal points