
Open the downloaded file in Inkscape

इन्कस्केप में डाउनलोडेड फाइल खोलें

  • Use the Select tool to move and rotate icons in the file
  • You can colour the objects by selecting them and clicking the colour from the pallette at the botttom
  • Use the texttool to type the text of the story
  • At least write one sentence for each picture.
  • फाइल में आइकन को हिलाने  चलाने के लिए चुने हुए उपकरण का उपयोग करें।
  • नीचे रंग पैलेट पर क्लिक करें तथा वस्तु का चयन कर उसमें आप रंग करें।
  • पाठ उपकरण का उपयोग कहानी में पाठ टाइप करने के लिए करें।
  • कम से कम एक वाक्य हरेक चित्र के लिए लिखें।
[Contributed by administrator on 15. März 2018 17:22:16]
