When Gautama Buddha was born, the Full Moon lit up the night.
Where in the orbit would this moon be?
Drag the Moon to the correct position in its orbit and click Submit to check your answer.
View from the Earth
If the Moon is in the position you have chosen, you will see the Moon approximately as in this picture in the sky.
Half of the Moon is always lit by sunlight. To see the Full Moon you have to position it such that all of the lit part is visible from the Earth.
If you need help with the activity, click the Demo button.
Click X to continue.
If the Moon is in the position you have chosen, you will see the Moon approximately as in this picture in the sky.
Half of the Moon is always lit by sunlight. To see the Full Moon you have to position it such that all of the lit part is visible from the Earth.
If you need help with the activity, click the Demo button.
Click X to continue.